
Infrared Imaging Services

Your Complete Source for Infrared Inspections and Thermal Imaging

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We Find Data Center Cooling Problems and Hot Spots

Providing DataCentIR™ Infrared thermal mapping services and electrical Preventive/Predictive Maintenance (P/PM) to the IT industry for increasing computer room efficiency and uptime. Call 845-641-5482 to learn more about Thermal MapIR™

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P/PM for Electrical and Mechanical Equipment

Non-destructive infrared thermography

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2D Thermal MapIR™

Images provide 5 different 2D views of cooling problems and hot spots in your Data center

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360° Thermal MapIR™

Images provide a heat view look at the overall thermal performance of your Data center

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3D Thermal MapIR™

Rotatable 3D image shows thermal view of the overall cooling performance of your facility

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IR Window Solutions

IR windows allow for viewing electrical switchgear through safe ports

Prevent Downtime at your Data Center!

Do you manage a data center? Effectively and efficiently operating the power, cooling and support systems is vital to the continuous flow of information in your mission-critical facility. We find and document system cooling problems and hot spots using the Infrared Thermal MapIR process.

Infrared Windows

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Do you manage or have responsibility for the predictive/preventive maintenance of a data center? Would you like a non-destructive, affordable method to detect any potential problems with the mechanical and electrical systems which support the continuous operation of your data center? DataCentIR™ has the solutions that you need to prevent downtime and therefore save your facility time and money in predictive/preventive maintenance cost.

White Papers on Data Center IR Surveys

Using Thermal Mapping at the Data Center

by Greg Stockton. Information 2010

The Role of Infrared Testing at Data Centers

by Eric Stockton. IR Info 2007

Five Nines and Infrared (IR) Testing at Data Centers

by Greg Stockton. Uptime Magazine 2005

Infrared Imaging Services

Infrared Imaging Services is a division of Jersey Infrared Consultants and a member in good standing of the United Infrared Network. As a member, we receive support for our customers from industry experts with decades of combined experience. We are certified for BlockwallScanIR™, EnergyScanIR™ RoofScanIR™. ElectricIR™, and DataCentIR™. Call or use the Contact us page to discuss your commercial thermal imaging needs. We provide infrared electrical inspections as requested by your insurance company. We are Level III thermographers certified by the Infraspection Institute.

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